These are the old docs. Code Hike v1.0 is out! Read the announcement.

Code Blocks

The fundamental building block of Code Hike is the code block. There are several ways to write code blocks inside markdown. The most common way is to wrap the code using triple backticks:


## Lorem ipsum
print("Hello, world!")
dolor **sit** amet

Syntax highlighting

If you specify a language after the ``` Code Hike will apply syntax highlighting to the code.


### Lorem ipsum
print("Hello, world!")
dolor **sit** amet


Code Hike handles syntax highlighting for 196 languages: abap, actionscript-3, ada, apache, apex, apl, applescript, ara, asm, astro, awk, ballerina, bat, batch, berry, be, bibtex, bicep, blade, c, cadence, cdc, clarity, clojure, clj, cmake, cobol, codeql, ql, coffee, cpp, crystal, csharp, c#, cs, css, cue, d, dart, dax, diff, docker, dockerfile, dream-maker, elixir, elm, erb, erlang, erl, fish, fsharp, f#, fs, gdresource, gdscript, gdshader, gherkin, git-commit, git-rebase, glsl, gnuplot, go, graphql, groovy, hack, haml, handlebars, hbs, haskell, hs, hcl, hlsl, html, http, imba, ini, properties, java, javascript, js, jinja-html, jison, json, json5, jsonc, jsonnet, jssm, fsl, jsx, julia, kotlin, kusto, kql, latex, less, liquid, lisp, logo, lua, make, makefile, markdown, md, marko, matlab, mdx, mermaid, nginx, nim, nix, objective-c, objc, objective-cpp, ocaml, pascal, perl, php, plsql, postcss, powerquery, powershell, ps, ps1, prisma, prolog, proto, pug, jade, puppet, purescript, python, py, r, raku, perl6, razor, reg, rel, riscv, rst, ruby, rb, rust, rs, sas, sass, scala, scheme, scss, shaderlab, shader, shellscript, bash, console, sh, shell, zsh, smalltalk, solidity, sparql, sql, ssh-config, stata, stylus, styl, svelte, swift, system-verilog, tasl, tcl, tex, toml, tsx, turtle, twig, typescript, ts, v, vb, cmd, verilog, vhdl, viml, vim, vimscript, vue-html, vue, wasm, wenyan, 文言, wgsl, xml, xsl, yaml, yml, and zenscript.


If you add a title after the language, Code Hike will show a different UI featuring the filename:


### Lorem ipsum
print("Hello, world!")
dolor **sit** amet